Posts tagged with "risk"

AI is exciting, but what you do with it is what matters
Members News · 04. September 2024
Stan Chang, Director Group Buyer Underwriting Atradius, talks about the role of AI in credit management

Managing Supplier Risk: A Strategic Imperative for Businesses
Economy · 30. August 2024
In today's dynamic and interconnected global economy, businesses face unprecedented challenges when managing supplier risk. The complexity of supply chains, coupled with geopolitical uncertainties, economic volatility, and environmental concerns, makes it more critical than ever for companies to adopt a proactive approach to supplier risk management.

CRIF AG Study: record of new businesses and slightly fewer bankruptcies in Switzerland
Economy · 17. January 2024
51,637 new companies were founded in 2023. That’s more than ever before, and bankruptcy openings have fallen slightly, but not in all industries.