
Country Insights: Hong Kong (by RUBIX)

This second edition of the Rubix Country Insights series turns the spotlight on Hong Kong SAR. 


Key Insights:

  • Hong Kong's Economic Outlook: After a moderate improvement in 2023, Hong Kong’s economy is expected to slow down due to cyclic and structural factors, along with global economic imbalances.
  • Trade and Geopolitical Risks: Hong Kong's high dependence on China for imports and exports poses significant risks, especially amid escalating geopolitical tensions between China and the United States.
  • MSME Initiatives: The 2024-25 budget introduces measures to support Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with targeted support in areas such as credit, technology, and marketing to stimulate growth and resilience.
  • Fiscal Flexibility: Hong Kong enjoys a very low debt-to-GDP ratio, providing the government with the fiscal flexibility to borrow without serious economic consequences, essential for future infrastructure development.

Why This Report Matters: Understanding the complex economic forces shaping Hong Kong's future is critical for any business operating in or considering entry into this key market. This report equips you with the knowledge to make strategic decisions and capitalise on emerging opportunities in Hong Kong.


Download full report below:


Rubix Country Insights Hong Kong SAR.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.7 MB


Source: RUBIX

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