The European Average Payment Delay decreased 0.90 days in 2021
A study carried out by Informa in January 2022 states that the Average Payment Delay (APD) decreased for the fourth consecutive quarter up to 13.60 days in Q4, the lowest figure registered since Q2 2020.
The improvement of the APD was observed throughout 2021 in most of the studied countries, apart from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The markets with the most remarkable AMD improvements were Belgium (-1.71 days), Italy (-1.69 days) and Portugal (-1.49 days).
The 9 studied countries are divided in three groups: good payers (Netherlands and Germany), countries with an average APD (Belgium, Ireland, United Kingdom, France and Spain) and countries with worse payments delays (Italy and Portugal).
There is a significant disparity within the groups: the APD ranges up to 21.46 days depending on whether the company is Dutch or Portuguese.

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